Saturday, October 13, 2012

Starting to Weave

Yep, I'm taking Intro to Weaving :]

It's actually a lot of fun and I quite like it...however, I quickly discovered that I have a tendency to like a lot of the hand manipulated designs and that I'm rather slow at it takes me a bit of time to complete my pieces....

This is often what my station/loom looks like while I'm working...

Here is the first weaving we did which was really just to get us used to using a loom...

This pattern with these colors remind me of watermelons...

This is our newest project that we've been working on...

First our sample/experimental section (1 yard long):

And the actual piece (28 inches long):
yes, I stitched in two doe...

buttons! hand stitching! :D

The stitching still needs to be done on the other end of the piece so expect some -complete- photos of this project to appear soon...

Publicity and Goodbye to NYC Dirndl Ambassadors

My hat got featured on the Austria Travel Info website!! :D

Check out the article here!

I'm so glad that everyone liked it and that I had the opportunity to make it this summer!


The Dirdle Ambassador group for NYC has now come to an end. Since the sweepstakes has ended and summer is over there are no more events for us to participate in so we held a last get together the other week to celebrate a successful run. I made a lot of great friends with my fellow Ambassadors this summer and had a lot of wonderful experiences. I only wish the best for everyone at the Austria Travel office and to the other Ambassadors! I'm sure we'll run into each other again!

Monday, September 3, 2012

A Completed Hat!

I finished the hat I was making at IDA just before my internship ended! Here are the photos from the process. There are a few process shots missing since I did three of the construction steps (all the steps involving the sewing machine) on a day where I didn't have my camera.

And there it is~! The first hat that I've made start to finish!! :D

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Book Drawings

At the AAAC (Asian American Art Centre) we would often get books from Taipei sent to us from the museum there. We only had use for this edition's book in English so I stole this Mandarin version before it was thrown away and have been using it as a sketch book. Most of these are the result of going to sketch night at the Society of Illustrators.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Making Hats and Other Activities

During these past two months in NYC I've had the opportunity to be apart of and their Austria. Dirndl Temptation summer events as a 'Dirndl Ambassador'. It's basically an excuse for me to go to events around NYC while dressed in a dirndl, telling people about how awesome/beautiful/fun Austria is and how they can win a trip there. (which you can do here)

When I'm not dressing up and talking to strangers about Austria, I'm dressing up and working two internships. One is with the Asian American Art Centre (who has an awesome artist archive) and the other is at a hat and jewelry store called IDA (where I learn about the hat and jewelry business from two extraordinary women).

The reason I'm telling you all this is that as part of the learning process at IDA I'm allowed to make my own hat from start to finish and I've decided to make something to go with my Austrian dirndl. I wanted to show some the work-in-progress photos of the hat as well as some of the events that I've participated in this summer. There will be more photos in the future as the hat comes to completion.