Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Blog Banners

I've been making banners for this blog.
It needed some extra sparkle.

Here are some of the variations I've been working with.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Scroll Images - In Progress

Hello everyone.

So senior year is coming to a close.
I have two BFA shows coming up.
And an 8 yard scroll to finish.

Freaking out?

I'm a professional at multitasking at this point.
And my sleeping schedule is a work of art.

You came here to look a pretty pictures.
Sorry for the wait.

Here's how the scroll is coming along!

So first I have to copy everything onto mylar so I can photo-expose the image onto the photo litho plates. Here's the mylar I'm working on now:

Here are some finished/printed sections of the scroll:

And here's my studio space!

Another thing I'm trying to figure out is what to name this thing. I always find this part hard to do.
I've been going through books I own and writings relevant to the piece to find something that makes sense.
Some of my thoughts so far include:

Views of Infinity
Limited Views to the Universe
Fragmented Universe
Fragments of the Universe
Fragments of the Vast

It's a work in progress. I'll let you know how it goes.