Tuesday, December 17, 2013

ALINE Fall 2013

So towards the end of October I was able to contribute an illustration to ALINE magazine which is a student run magazine on the Syracuse University campus.
Now, I have already graduated. I swear. No really. I did.
But I'm friends with their art director and he needed illustrators so I volunteered. Especially since I haven't been very good about drawing regularly ever since graduation....

The article I worked on was about Julie Chen, her admitted eye surgery, and about Asian identity.
I only got around to doing one illustration in time for the deadline but I did about 9 variations.
Here are some of my favorites!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Sold a Print & 'Transition'

'Transition' is a wood block I made last Fall semester but never got any good pictures of for you guys D:

You might have seen it a few time on here in photos from the BFA gallery shows:

 But 'Transition' is a varied edition of 25 so you're not getting all the fun things.

The good part is I sold one of the 'Transition' prints~!

This is the print I sold~
As you can see there are a few of the 25 (about 5 prints) where I made the mistake of forgetting to block-out the green layer with the mask I made. Basically I had cut out a mylar mask for the kneeling man so that when I printed the green layer the man wouldn't be green. But I forgot to put it down a few times :/

The problem is that 'Transition' is a pretty big print (about 2ft x 3ft) so I have a hard time photographing it well and without reflections/shininess from the ink. Besides the images above I don't really have any full pictures from the edition (and even the above ones aren't great).

I can show you the pictures I do have, despite how shitty they might be. Most of them are detail shots since it's so hard for me to get an image of the full print on my sad little camera. I also have the sketch that the print was based on:

Here's what I do have of the prints:

Here's the print off of just the key:

Once again sorry for the terrible photos but these are all I have of 'Transition' until I can go get them photographed properly ;A; At least now you know what print I've been hoarding to myself for the past year. Hope you like them~! 'Transition' was one of those prints I put a ton of work and resources into but after I finished it was really disenchanted. This is also the reason why I didn't really post about it while I was making it. It took me a couple of months before I fell back in love with them and now I consider them some of my favorite prints despite all their flaws.

Oh hey guys. Hope you weren't waiting too long...

Hello everyone~

Sorry that there's been such a long wait since the last post. ;A;

Between moving and trying to get my camera to work and trying to find a job the blog just got put on the back-burner so sorry about that D:
But now that I've found and gotten my camera to work I can start updating some more things~!

Like that exchange portfolio I was a part of? I can get you guys pictures of those fancy prints!
There's that big 2x3 wood block I made last year which I've had trouble photographing in the past and I still want to show you guys soon.
Also that scroll I did? Yeah I should probably get some photos of that too.
I was looking back at the past posts and realized I never posted my last weaving project either so I should probably get that up here to.

Basically I'm sorry for the wait but I'll try to get some stuff back up here soon. :3
As an apology, have some bad photographs of some bad sketches :D

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Universe and I - A solo BFA show

Not having internet can do some wonderful and terrible things to you.

I read books.
I drank enough tea to fill a small swimming pool.
I packed my things.
But I haven't shown you the pictures to my solo BFA show.

I feel that I have wronged you.
Prepare yourself for pictures.

I named the scroll 'Fragments of the Universe' in case any of you were wondering. Hopefully I'll get a well scanned version one of these days so I can post the whole thing!

Friday, May 3, 2013

BFA show at XL Projects

So yesterday was the BFA show at XL Projects for all the fine art kids (minus the photo students who have their show in Spark Gallery instead). Two of my pieces are there so I made an appearance and took pictures.

First off is my fellow graduating Printmaking major, Shelby Sweet.

Then there's sculpture major Meryl Engler whose going to grad school for Printmaking (!!)

She did a performance piece related to this later that week where she created the same pattern in salt on campus grounds which I got pictures of (note that I'm updating this part in after the original post):

And then there's me with my work.

Because of the limited space I couldn't show my scroll at the XL show but that's why I have my solo show on Monday! I'm frantically trying to get everything together in time so I hope it all turns out well. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

BFA show posters : The Universe and I

So I have a solo BFA show on Monday and I have to finish everything as fast as possible.

But I made the posters! They have been printed and I'm in the process of putting them all up!
I'll post the pictures of the show some time next week!

You can find the facebook event here.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Blog Banners

I've been making banners for this blog.
It needed some extra sparkle.

Here are some of the variations I've been working with.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Scroll Images - In Progress

Hello everyone.

So senior year is coming to a close.
I have two BFA shows coming up.
And an 8 yard scroll to finish.

Freaking out?

I'm a professional at multitasking at this point.
And my sleeping schedule is a work of art.

You came here to look a pretty pictures.
Sorry for the wait.

Here's how the scroll is coming along!

So first I have to copy everything onto mylar so I can photo-expose the image onto the photo litho plates. Here's the mylar I'm working on now:

Here are some finished/printed sections of the scroll:

And here's my studio space!

Another thing I'm trying to figure out is what to name this thing. I always find this part hard to do.
I've been going through books I own and writings relevant to the piece to find something that makes sense.
Some of my thoughts so far include:

Views of Infinity
Limited Views to the Universe
Fragmented Universe
Fragments of the Universe
Fragments of the Vast

It's a work in progress. I'll let you know how it goes.