Friday, May 3, 2013

BFA show at XL Projects

So yesterday was the BFA show at XL Projects for all the fine art kids (minus the photo students who have their show in Spark Gallery instead). Two of my pieces are there so I made an appearance and took pictures.

First off is my fellow graduating Printmaking major, Shelby Sweet.

Then there's sculpture major Meryl Engler whose going to grad school for Printmaking (!!)

She did a performance piece related to this later that week where she created the same pattern in salt on campus grounds which I got pictures of (note that I'm updating this part in after the original post):

And then there's me with my work.

Because of the limited space I couldn't show my scroll at the XL show but that's why I have my solo show on Monday! I'm frantically trying to get everything together in time so I hope it all turns out well. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

BFA show posters : The Universe and I

So I have a solo BFA show on Monday and I have to finish everything as fast as possible.

But I made the posters! They have been printed and I'm in the process of putting them all up!
I'll post the pictures of the show some time next week!

You can find the facebook event here.